You know that I always write something after my every “gig trip” to England. I really want to be as short as possible. Of course I have a lot of emotions but this time they were reacted not only by gig. I left my country in the moment when Ivan Golunov was arrested in Moscow. He is a journalist who writes about such “dull” topics as grafts, connections and relationships in government, corruptions, money laundering, arranged deals and others. So someone hasn’t liked the particular information which Golunov found. Then there was “an order from above” and as the result he was arrested for illegal распространение drugs. It was absolutely clear that drugs were planted. For God sake, these news were widely publicized and many of Russian journalists started to talk about it guilting the government and police in this case. I’ve never known Golunov by this moment but all situation made me shocked, so I couldn’t get my thoughts out of my mind neither during the gig nor now. The most terrific thing that it could be make concerning every human in Russia. The police could easily find something illegal in your pockets nevertheless you would know about it nothing. One second! And you in the prison. Nobody could help you. And this is really afraid me in my future. So that were my thoughts when Kaisers went on stage. I wouldn’t describe the gig itself (especially how awful the audience was), even Ricky couldn’t help me forget about the Golunov’s case, but in opposite he was the one who increased my emotions. On the one hand, I still can’t realize that I know and meet so charismatic and deep person irl (Ricky is like top of the top), and feel it as God’s blessing. Because of him I really trust and believe in people (you know the whole story). On the other hand, Ricky was in a such “riot” and decisive mood that looking at him I feel confident knowing for sure the truth wins. He can inspire certainty. We just need to make good things around us and this can help to improve our life only in better way. This topic should be published yesterday so now I’m really happy that Golunov is free now. But I have feelings that we can be witnesses either something new or something really bad.

Теги: music Russia journalism

Теги других блогов: music Russia journalism